Inexpensive marine and offshore equipment

Davits and cranes of all shapes and sizes - so to speak - are our specialty! Our company EXPOM is a trustworthy partner for the power industry and marine industry, which has based its success on knowledge, experience and know-how. Our company has been providing Clients with the best marine and offshore equipment, davits and cranes for 60 years! What distinguishes us from other companies is not only our experience, but also the passion that drives us to constantly improve both our products and our services. We do everything in our power to make sure that our Clients are truly satisfied with our services. That is why our company only hires the best engineers, uses the most up-to-date technologies and the best quality materials in the production process. Our dedication is the reason that our products will never fail you - they are carefully designed and equally carefully made, so that they are perfect in every detail. Nonetheless they are available to you for very reasonable and affordable prices.

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